


STEP 1: formal presentation of your application to become a GEOSEC licensed contractor. Initially you can use the form available on this web site, responding to the first general questions and attaching any relevant documents for your submission; your data will be evaluated and managed with the utmost confidentiality by our internal experts. APPLY ONLINE >

STEP 2: if your application will be evaluated as positive and compliant with the initial requirements or even if we just need more information our experts will contact you by telephone or e-mail.
This might be an opportunity for us to get more detailed information about your position and your interest even through the compilation of a more detailed questionnaire.


STEP 3: upon a satisfactory evaluation of the application, a personal cognitive meeting in Italy can then be scheduled. Before the meeting you will be asked to submit a Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) to protect confidential information that will be part of the following steps.
During the meeting our team will first show you an overview of the GEOSEC and its services, then you can explain all your motivations, your interests, your projects, your questions. Our team will carefully take notes of your answers in order to subsequently prepare a detailed plan of the costs necessary to become GEOSEC licensed contractor.


STEP 4: GEOSEC will provide, on a strictly confidential base, cost requirements to start and maintain the status of licensed contractor.
In general, our costs cover:
- One-time initial fee to be paid when the license agreement is signed. These costs will be defined considering various parameters such as: geo-economic condition and size of the territory, type of collaboration (exclusive or non-exclusive), type and number of services and technologies requested in the licence.
- Cost for providing equipment, materials, tools, services for starting up your business
- Periodic Royalties to be paid during the period of cooperation. The amount will be calculated according to the sales in the market and with the technologies covered by the license agreement.

STEP 5: the Applicant will now be able to complete their detailed business plan to submit it to the validation of our management team.


STEP 6: our team will review your business plan to verify its compliance with our standards.
At the end of this step you will be told the result:
- validation
- validation with reservations (you will be called to integrate and strengthen the points placed under reserve)
- non-compliant


STEP 7: at this step a formal agreement that will make the deal official will be signed.


STEP 8: after defining every aspect of the collaboration between the parties, we will begin to provide equipment, machinery, materials, tools, services that will be part of the agreement.

STEP 9: after the delivery step, we will proceed with the training of your staff according to the shared plans. The training will be held in Italy.

STEP 10: during the collaboration we provide ongoing support in all of the processes you need and we will do periodic audits of your business management.