

“We help in recovering and preserving the value of homes, schools, industries, infrastructures, monuments and buildings of historical and cultural value with responsibility. Every day we bring joy, stability and security to our customers”.

The international trademark GEOSEC identifies a network of companies operating on the European territory, which recognize themselves under a certificated protocol of quality (ISO9001). They share technology and know-how in the sector of soil consolidation through targeted injections of expanding resins maintaining their individual autonomy. The network has invested many assets, throughout the years, in research and development to constantly improve the quality and the qualification of its services to the benefit of its customers, designers and the entire market. The result is that today the network operates with patented and certified processes which unequivocally express the value of "knowledge" and "know how", which is a fundamental asset for us.
This important effort has become in time a more determined and responsible commitment towards our consumers who, for this reason, receive every day from our work a better guarantee in terms of reliability, safety, efficiency and effectiveness of our technological solutions.